Preparatory lessons for Music School Niš 2022
Obaveštavamo učenike i roditelje da pripremna nastava za upis u srednju muzičku školu počinje 26.2.2022.god
Obaveštavamo učenike i roditelje da pripremna nastava za upis u srednju muzičku školu počinje 26.2.2022.god
Muzička škola Niš dobitnik je Svetosavke nagrade za 2021. godinu za ukupan doprinos razvoju muzičkog obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Srbiji.
Prijave i obavezne kompozicije za 10. Medjunarodno takmičenje gudača u Nišu.
Although there are some data suggesting that there was a music school in Nis in the 1920s it is assumed that the music school of today was founded in 1947.
Currently, there are over 100 professors teaching at elementary and secondary school levels in 7 departments: piano, strings, winds, solo singing, accordion, guitar, and theory department.
The Music school Nis celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2017. Owing to its success and engagement which go beyond the basic scope of education, the school has been ranked among the best schools of its kind in the country for decades now.
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